1. RECHNER Sensors Distributors IAS-10 (Inductive PNP)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
RECHNER Sensors Part No. 100110: IAS-10-M8-S, 100200: IAS-10-M8-S-Y7, 100300: IAS-10-M8-Ö, 100310: IAS-10-M8-Ö-Y7, 100500: IAS-10-A11-S, 101010: IAS-10-A11-Ö, 101200: IAS-10-A21-S, 101250: IAS-10-A21-Ö, 101700: IAS-10-A12-S, 101900: IAS-10-A12-Ö, 102300: IAS-10-A12-S-Y5, 102350: IAS-10-A12-Ö-Y5, 102400: IAS-10-A22-S, 102500: IAS-10-A22-Ö, 103001: IAS-10-A22-S-Y5, 103050: IAS-10-A22-Ö-Y5, 103060: IAS-10-A13-A, 103068: IAS-10-A13-A-Y5, 103100: IAS-10-A13-S, 103200: IAS-10-A13-Ö, 105750: IAS-10-A13-IL, 105751: IAS-10-A13-IL-Y3, 105780: IAS-10-A23-A, 105785: IAS-10-A23-A-Y3, 105800: IAS-10-A23-S, 106600: IAS-10-A23-S-Y3, 108350: IAS-10-A23-IL, 108380: IAS-10-A14-A, 108385: IAS-10-A14-A-Y3, 108400: IAS-10-A14-S, 109200: IAS-10-A14-S-Y3, 109300: IAS-10-A14-Ö-Y3, 110950: IAS-10-A14-IL, 110980: IAS-10-A24-A, 110985: IAS-10-A24-A-Y3, 111000: IAS-10-A24-S, 111800: IAS-10-A24-S-Y3, 113550: IAS-10-A24-IL, 113610: IAS-10-04-S, 113650: IAS-10-04-Ö, 114010: IAS-10-M5-S, 114110: IAS-10-M5-Ö, 114400: IAS-10-M5-S-Y7, 114450: IAS-10-M5-Ö-Y7, 114500: IAS-10-6.5/15-S, 114510: IAS-10-6.5-S-LED, 114610: IAS-10-6.5-Ö-LED, 114650: IAS-10-6.5/15-Ö, 114900: IAS-10-6.5-S-Y7, 115000: IAS-10-6.5-Ö-Y7, 115300: IAS-10-14-S, 115350: IAS-10-14-Ö, 116900: IAS-10-23-S-M22, 117000: IAS-10-23-Ö-M22, 119480: IAS-10-40-A, 119880: IAS-10-51-A, 120153: IAS-10-62-A, IA0109: IAS-10-A14-A-STEX, IA0110: IAS-10-A13-A-STEX, IA0111: IAS-10-A12-S-STEX, IA0230: IAS-10-A13-S-180°C, IA0231: IAS-10-A14-A-Y5-StEx, IA0233: IAS-10-A12-S-150°C, IA0234: IAS-10-A22-S-150°C, IA0235: IAS-10-A23-S-180°C, IA0236: IAS-10-A14-S-180°C, IA0237: IAS-10-A24-S-180°C .
2. RECHNER Sensors Distributors IAS-20 (Inductive NPN)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
2. RECHNER Sensors Distributors IAS-20 (Inductive NPN)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
RECHNER Sensors Part No.: 200500: IAS-20-A11-S, 201200: IAS-20-A21-S, 201700: IAS-20-A12-S, 201900: IAS-20-A12-Ö, 202300: IAS-20-A12-S-Y5, 202400: IAS-20-A22-S, 202500: IAS-20-A22-Ö, 203050: IAS-20-A22-Ö-Y5, 203060: IAS-20-A13-A, 203067: IAS-20-A13-A-Y5, 203100: IAS-20-A13-S, 205780: IAS-20-A23-A, 205785: IAS-20-A23-A-Y3, 205800: IAS-20-A23-S, 208380: IAS-20-A14-A, 208385: IAS-20-A14-A-Y3, 208400: IAS-20-A14-S, 210980: IAS-20-A24-A, 210985: IAS-20-A24-A-Y3, 211000: IAS-20-A24-S, 213610: IAS-20-04-S, 213650: IAS-20-04-Ö, 214010: IAS-20-M5-S, 214110: IAS-20-M5-Ö, 217300: IAS-20-30-S, 219880: IAS-20-51-A, IA0136: IAS-20-A13-A-STEX, IA0137: IAS-20-A14-A-STEX, IA0138: IAS-20-A12-S-STEX .
3. RECHNER Sensors Distributors IAS-30 (Inductive NAMUR)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
RECHNER Sensors Part No.: 300100: IAS-30-A12-N, 300200: IAS-30-A22-N, 300300: IAS-30-A13-N, 300400: IAS-30-A23-N, 300500: IAS-30-A14-N, 300600: IAS-30-A24-N, 300700: IAS-30-04-N, 300800: IAS-30-M5-N, 300900: IAS-30-6.5-N, 301000: IAS-30-M8-N, 301500: IAS-30-14-N, 302400: IAS-30-30-N-M32, 302800: IAS-30-35-N-M32, IA0090: IAS-30-A22-N-STEX, IA0091: IAS-30-A12-N-STEX, IA0092: IAS-30-A13-N-STEX, IA0094: IAS-30-A23-N-STEX, IA0095: IAS-30-A14-N-STEX, IA0096: IAS-30-A24-N-STEX, IA0097: IAS-30-30-N-M32-STEX, IA0098: IAS-30-35-N-M32-STEX, IA0186: IAS-30-A14-N-Y5, IA0187: IAS-30-A24-N-Y5, IA0188: IAS-30-A13-N-Y5, IA0189: IAS-30-A23-N-Y5, IA0190: IAS-30-A12-N-Y5, IA0191: IAS-30-A22-N-Y5 .
4. RECHNER Sensors Distributors IAS-60 (Inductive AC/DC)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
4. RECHNER Sensors Distributors IAS-60 (Inductive AC/DC)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
RECHNER Sensors Part No.: 600300: IAS-60-A12-S, 600500: IAS-60-A12-Ö, 600700: IAS-60-A22-S, 600900: IAS-60-A22-Ö, 601000: IAS-60-A13-S, 601200: IAS-60-A13-Ö, 604100: IAS-60-A23-S, 604300: IAS-60-A23-Ö, 607300: IAS-60-A14-S, 607500: IAS-60-A14-Ö, 610500: IAS-60-A24-S, 610700: IAS-60-A24-Ö, 614900: IAS-60-14-S-M12, 620900: IAS-60-40-S, 621100: IAS-60-40-Ö .
5. RECHNER Sensors Distributors ISA-250 (High temperatur inductive)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
5. RECHNER Sensors Distributors ISA-250 (High temperatur inductive)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
RECHNER Sensors Part No.: IA0114: ISA-10-250-A-Y5-C25, IA0129: ISA-10-250-A-Y5-C35, IA0130: ISA-10-250-A-Y5-M30/M32, IA0131: ISA-10-250-A-Y5-M22, IA0132: ISA-10-250-A-Y5-M18, IA0133: ISA-10-250-A-Y5-M12 .
6. RECHNER Sensors Distributors IS-250 (High temperatur inductive)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
6. RECHNER Sensors Distributors IS-250 (High temperatur inductive)
RECHNER Inductive sensors (IAS) feature transistorised oscillators whose power consumption is influenced by the approach of metals and other electrically conductive materials such as carbon. These devices can be used as limit switches and position sensors
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:IA0117: IS-250-M12, IA0118: IS-250-M18, IA0119: IS-250-M22-Y, IA0120: IS-250-M30-Y, IA0122: IS-250-M32-Y, IA0124: IS-250-M32-PEEK/VA-Y
7. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KAS-40 (Capacitive NAMUR)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:400100: KAS-40-A11-N, 400200: KAS-40-A12-N, 400250: KAS-40-A22-N, 400300: KAS-40-A13-N, 400350: KAS-40-A23-N, 400400: KAS-40-A14-N, 400450: KAS-40-A24-N, 400480: KAS-40-6.5/20-N, 400490: KAS-40-M8/25-N, 400520: KAS-40-10/20-N, 400600: KAS-40-14-N, 400705: KAS-40-14-N-M12, 400900: KAS-40-14-N-M12-PTFE, 401000: KAS-40-20-N, 401500: KAS-40-24-N-M22-PTFE, 401600: KAS-40-30-N, 401700: KAS-40-30-N-M32, 402000: KAS-40-35-N, 402100: KAS-40-35-N-M32, 402250: KAS-40-35-N-1"-PTFE, 402300: KAS-40-35-N-M32-PTFE, 402400: KAS-40-34-N-M32-PTFE/V2A, 403000: KAS-40-A13-IL, 403200: KAS-40-A23-IL, 403400: KAS-40-A14-IL, 403600: KAS-40-A24-IL, 405150: KAS-40-M8/15-N, 406110: KAS-40-22/10-N-PTFE, 406120: KAS-40-22/10-N, 430X00: KAS-40-35-X00/G1"-PTFE, KA0094: KAS-40-34-N-M32-StEx-N, KA0095: KAS-40-A24-N-StEx-N, KA0204: KAS-40-G1/2"-N-K-PEEK-Y7-100°C, KA0308: KAS-40-18/5-N, KA0390: KAS-40-A22-N-K-PTFE-100°C, KA0435: KAS-40-Leak-PTFE-N,ATEX, KA0557: KAS-40-A14-N-Y5, KA0558: KAS-40-A24-N-Y5, KA0559: KAS-40-A13-N-Y5, KA0560: KAS-40-A23-N-Y5, KA0561: KAS-40-A12-N-Y5, KA0562: KAS-40-A22-N-Y5, KA0740: KAS-40-26-N-PTFE-1 .
7. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KAS-40 (Capacitive NAMUR)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:400100: KAS-40-A11-N, 400200: KAS-40-A12-N, 400250: KAS-40-A22-N, 400300: KAS-40-A13-N, 400350: KAS-40-A23-N, 400400: KAS-40-A14-N, 400450: KAS-40-A24-N, 400480: KAS-40-6.5/20-N, 400490: KAS-40-M8/25-N, 400520: KAS-40-10/20-N, 400600: KAS-40-14-N, 400705: KAS-40-14-N-M12, 400900: KAS-40-14-N-M12-PTFE, 401000: KAS-40-20-N, 401500: KAS-40-24-N-M22-PTFE, 401600: KAS-40-30-N, 401700: KAS-40-30-N-M32, 402000: KAS-40-35-N, 402100: KAS-40-35-N-M32, 402250: KAS-40-35-N-1"-PTFE, 402300: KAS-40-35-N-M32-PTFE, 402400: KAS-40-34-N-M32-PTFE/V2A, 403000: KAS-40-A13-IL, 403200: KAS-40-A23-IL, 403400: KAS-40-A14-IL, 403600: KAS-40-A24-IL, 405150: KAS-40-M8/15-N, 406110: KAS-40-22/10-N-PTFE, 406120: KAS-40-22/10-N, 430X00: KAS-40-35-X00/G1"-PTFE, KA0094: KAS-40-34-N-M32-StEx-N, KA0095: KAS-40-A24-N-StEx-N, KA0204: KAS-40-G1/2"-N-K-PEEK-Y7-100°C, KA0308: KAS-40-18/5-N, KA0390: KAS-40-A22-N-K-PTFE-100°C, KA0435: KAS-40-Leak-PTFE-N,ATEX, KA0557: KAS-40-A14-N-Y5, KA0558: KAS-40-A24-N-Y5, KA0559: KAS-40-A13-N-Y5, KA0560: KAS-40-A23-N-Y5, KA0561: KAS-40-A12-N-Y5, KA0562: KAS-40-A22-N-Y5, KA0740: KAS-40-26-N-PTFE-1 .
8. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KAS-70 (Capacitive NPN)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u ...
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:700150: KAS-70-A12-A, 700724: KAS-70-A12-A-Y5, 700745: KAS-70-A22-A-K-PTFE, 700800: KAS-70-A13-A, 701000: KAS-70-A13-A-K, 701981: KAS-70-A13-A-Y5, 703200: KAS-70-A23-A, 703561: KAS-70-A23-A-K-PTFE, 703565: KAS-70-A23-A-K-PTFE-100°C, 704091: KAS-70-A23-A-Y5, 705200: KAS-70-A14-A, 705400: KAS-70-A14-A-Y5, 705600: KAS-70-A14-A-K, 705800: KAS-70-A14-A-K-Y5, 708000: KAS-70-A24-A, 708200: KAS-70-A24-A-Y5, 708400: KAS-70-A24-A-K, 708401: KAS-70-A24-A-K-PTFE, 710751: KAS-70-14-A-M12-PTFE-100°C, 711600: KAS-70-20-A, 712800: KAS-70-23-A, 712900: KAS-70-23-A-M22-PTFE, 712910: KAS-70-23-A-M22-PTFE-100°C, 713400: KAS-70-23-A-M22, 713600: KAS-70-23-S-M22, 714200: KAS-70-30-A, 714400: KAS-70-30-A-Y5, 714600: KAS-70-30-S, 715800: KAS-70-30-A-M32, 715830: KAS-70-30-A-K-M32-PTFE, 715831: KAS-70-30-A-M32-PTFE-100°C, 716000: KAS-70-30-A-M32-Y5, 716200: KAS-70-30-S-M32, 717310: KAS-70-34-A-M32-PTFE/Ms-EST, 717320: KAS-70-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A-G, 718555: KAS-70-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A-Y5, 718600: KAS-70-34-S-M32-PTFE/V2A, 719000: KAS-70-35-A, 719200: KAS-70-35-A-Y5, 719255: KAS-70-35-A-M32-PTFE-100°C, 719400: KAS-70-35-S, 720200: KAS-70-35-A-M32, 720300: KAS-70-35-A-M32-PTFE, 720400: KAS-70-35-A-M32-Y5, 720501: KAS-70-35-A-K-M32-EST-Y10, 720600: KAS-70-35-S-M32, 724500: KAS-70-37-A, 725300: KAS-70-38-A, 725510: KAS-70-50-A-Y5, 728100: KAS-70-61-A, KA0040: KAS-70-10-A, KA0041: KAS-70-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A, KA0085: KAS-70-A24-A-StEx-N, KA0089: KAS-70-35-A-M32-StEx-N, KA0090: KAS-70-35-S-M32-StEx-N, KA0273: KAS-70-20-A-M22, KA0310: KAS-70-A24-A-Si, KA0325: KAS-70-A23-A-K-NL, KA0327: KAS-70-A24-A-K-NL, KA0335: KAS-70-A24-A-NL, KA0351: KAS-70-A24-A-K-Y3-NL, KA0360: KAS-70-A24-A-NL, KA0362: KAS-70-A23-A-K-NL, KA0364: KAS-70-A24-A-K-NL, KA0365: KAS-70-A24-A-Y3-NL, KA0366: KAS-70-A24-S-NL, KA0367: KAS-70-A24-S-K-NL, KA0368: KAS-70-A23-S-K-NL, KA0387: Leak-500-N-S-PTFE, KA0414: KAS-70-A24-A-PTFE/MS-NL, KA0429: KAS-70-35-A-M32-Y3-NL-3D, KA0437: KAS-70-A23-A-PTFE/MS-NL, KA0452: KAS-70-35-S-M32-NL, KA0510: Leak-500-N-S-PTFE, KA0514: KAS-70-A14-S-K-NL, KA0555: KAS-70-A14-A-K-NL, KA0609: KAS-70-A13-S-K-Y3-NL, KA0637: KAS-70-A13-A-K-NL, KA0648: KAS-70-A13-S-K-NL, KA0664: KAS-70-A14-S-NL, KA0672: KAS-70-A13-S-NL, KA0673: KAS-70-A12-S-NL, KA0705: KAS-70-A12-A-NL, KA0706: KAS-70-A12-A-K-NL, KA0707: KAS-70-A12-S-K-NL, KA0710: KAS-70-A12-A-Y5-NL, KA0711: KAS-70-A22-A-NL, KA0712: KAS-70-A22-S-NL, KA0715: KAS-70-A22-A-Y5-NL, KA0718: KAS-70-A13-A-N, KA0719: KAS-70-A14-A-NL, KA0722: KAS-70-34-A-M32-PTFE/MS-Y3-NL, KA0727: KAS-70-35-A-M32-NL, KA0741: Leak-500-N-S-PVC, KA0776: KAS-70-26-A-280-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0781: KAS-70-26-A-200-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0783: KAS-70-26-A-400-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0785: KAS-70-26-A-800-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0787: KAS-70-26-A-1200-PP-11/2"-PH-ET .
9. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KAS-80 (Capacitive PNP)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:700735: KAS-80-A22-A, 800130: KAS-80-A21S-Y7, 800150: KAS-80-A12-A, 800200: KAS-80-A12-S, 800400: KAS-80-A12-IL, 800724: KAS-80-A12-A-Y5, 800735: KAS-80-A22-A, 800736: KAS-80-A22-A-Y5, 800745: KAS-80-A22-A-K-PTFE, 800750: KAS-80-A22-S, 800757: KAS-80-A22-A-K-PTFE-100°C, 800800: KAS-80-A13-A, 801000: KAS-80-A13-A-K, 801020: KAS-80-A13-A-K-PTFE, 801200: KAS-80-A13-S, 801600: KAS-80-A13-IL, 801981: KAS-80-A13-A-Y5, 802400: KAS-80-A13-S-K, 803200: KAS-80-A23-A, 803561: KAS-80-A23-A-K-PTFE, 803565: KAS-80-A23-A-K-PTFE-100°C, 803600: KAS-80-A23-S, 804091: KAS-80-A23-A-Y5, 805200: KAS-80-A14, 805400: KAS-80-A14-A-Y5, 805600: KAS-80-A14-A-K, 805620: KAS-80-A14-A-K-PTFE, 806000: KAS-80-A14-S, 806400: KAS-80-A14-IL, 806500: KAS-80-A14-IL-Y5, 807200: KAS-80-A14-S-K, 808000: KAS-80-A24-A, 808200: KAS-80-A24-A-Y5, 808400: KAS-80-A24-A-K, 808401: KAS-80-A24-A-K-PTFE, 808410: KAS-80-A24-A-K-PTFE-100°C, 808600: KAS-80-A24-A-K-Y5, 808800: KAS-80-A24-S, 809600: KAS-80-A24-S-K, 810751: KAS-80-14-A-M12-PTFE-100°C, 811600: KAS-80-20-A, 811800: KAS-80-20-S, 812200: KAS-80-20-IL, 812800: KAS-80-23-A, 812900: KAS-80-23-A-M22-PTFE, 812910: KAS-80-23-A-M22-PTFE-100°C, 813100: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1", 813400: KAS-80-23-A-M22, 813600: KAS-80-23-S-M22, 814200: KAS-80-30-A, 814400: KAS-80-30-A-Y5, 814600: KAS-80-30-S, 815000: KAS-80-30-IL, 815100: KAS-80-30-IL-Y5, 815800: KAS-80-30-A-M32, 815830: KAS-80-30-A-K-M32-PTFE, 815831: KAS-80-30-A-M32-PTFE-100°C, 816000: KAS-80-30-A-M32-Y5, 816200: KAS-80-30-S-M32, 816600: KAS-80-30-IL-M32, 816700: KAS-80-30-IL-M32-Y5, 817310: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/Ms-EST, 817320: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A-G, 818300: KAS-80-34-IL-M32-PTFE/Ms, 818540: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A, 818545: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A-100°C, 818555: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A-Y5, 818600: KAS-80-34-S-M32-PTFE/V2A, 819000: KAS-80-35-A, 819010: KAS-80-35-A-PTFE, 819150: KAS-80-35-A-1"-PTFE, 819200: KAS-80-35-A-Y5, 819255: KAS-80-35-A-M32-PTFE-100°C, 819400: KAS-80-35-S, 820200: KAS-80-35-A-M32, 820300: KAS-80-35-A-M32-PTFE, 820400: KAS-80-35-A-M32-Y5, 820501: KAS-80-35-A-K-M32-EST-Y10, 820600: KAS-80-35-S-M32, 824500: KAS-80-37-A, 825300: KAS-80-38-A, 825400: KAS-80-38-S, 825510: KAS-80-50-A-Y5, 828100: KAS-80-61-A, 833740: KAS-80-M18/50-S-KL-125°C, 833750: KAS-80-M18/150-S-KL-125°C, 833755: KAS-80-M18/150-Ö-KL-125°C, 833760: KAS-80-M18/50-Ö-KL-125°C, KA0003: KAS-80-/30-S, KA0045: KAS-80-10-A, KA0049: KAS-80-A14-A-K-PTFE-100°C, KA0084: KAS-80-A24-A-StEx-N, KA0086: KAS-80-35-A-M32-StEx-N, KA0087: KAS-80-35-S-M32-StEx-N, KA0092: KAS-80-34-A-G1"-StEx-N, KA0093: KAS-80-35-A-K-M32-PTFE-StEx-N, KA0142: KAS-80-A12-A-K-PTFE, KA0264: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-StEx-N, KA0266: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1", KA0272: KAS-80-20-A-M22, KA0277: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-100°C, KA0309: KAS-80-A24-A-Si, KA0315: KAS-80-26/F30-A-PTFE-100°C-Y5, KA0324: KAS-80-A23-S-K-NL, KA0326: KAS-80-A24-S-K-NL, KA0333: KAS-80-A24-A-K-Y3-NL, KA0334: KAS-80-A24-S-NL, KA0336: KAS-80-A24-A-Y3-NL, KA0377: KAS-80-34-35/100-A-PTFE-VA-StEx-N, KA0388: Leak-500-P-S-PTFE, KA0412: KAS-80-A24-A-PTFE/MS-NL, KA0413: KAS-80-A24-A-PTFE/MS-Y3-NL, KA0415: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-Tri-100°C, KA0417: KAS-80-35-A-M32-Y3-NL, KA0421: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-Tri-StEx-N, KA0423: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1", KA0431: KAS-80-26-A-M22-M30-PTFE, KA0440: KAS-80-35-A-M32-NL, KA0444: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1"-StEX-N, KA0445: KAS-80-A23-A-K-Y3-NL, KA0450: KAS-80-26/22-A-PTFE-100°C-Y5, KA0467: KAS-80-A24-A-Y3-NL-3D, KA0549: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-PFS1-Y5, KA0554: KAS-80-A14-A-K-NL, KA0566: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-PFS2, KA0574: KAS-80-A14-A-K-Y3-NL, KA0607: KAS-80-A13-A-K-Y3-NL, KA0620: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-PFS1, KA0621: KAS-80-A24/50-A-Y5, KA0622: KAS-80-A24/50-A-K-PTFE-Y5, KA0626: KAS-80-26/F30-A-PTFE-100°C-Y5, KA0636: KAS-80-26/F30-A-PTFE-StEx-N, KA0642: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-Y5, KA0643: KAS-80-26-A-42/34-PEEK-HG-Y5, KA0644: KAS-80-A24/50-A, KA0645: KAS-80-34/50-A-M32-PTFE/MS-Y5, KA0646: KAS-80-35/50-A-K-M32-PTFE-Y5, KA0647: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-CIP160, KA0653: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1", KA0655: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-Y5-StEx-N, KA0656: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-Tri/Tri-100°C-Y5, KA0658: KAS-80-G1/4"-S-K-POM-Y7, KA0659: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-Y5-3D, KA0660: KAS-80-A14-A-Y5-NL, KA0662: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-Tri-100°C-Y5, KA0663: KAS-80-A14-S-NL, KA0665: KAS-80-A14-A-NL, KA0666: KAS-80-A13-S-NL, KA0667: KAS-80-A13-A-Y5-NL, KA0668: KAS-80-A13-A-NL, KA0669: KAS-80-A12-S-NL, KA0670: KAS-80-A12-A-Y5-NL, KA0671: KAS-80-A12-A-NL, KA0678: KAS-80-26-A-445-PTFE-1", KA0680: KAS-80-A13-A-K-NL, KA0682: KAS-80-26-A-300-PTFE-1"-Y5, KA0686: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1"-Y5, KA0687: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1"-100°C-Y5, KA0688: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-100°C-Y, KA0689: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-M30-Y5, KA0694: KAS-80-26/22-A-PTFE-100°C-Y5, KA0699: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-CIP160-Y5, KA0708: KAS-80-A12-A-K-NL, KA0709: KAS-80-A12-S-K-NL, KA0713: KAS-80-A22-A-NL, KA0714: KAS-80-A22-S-NL, KA0716: KAS-80-A22-A-Y5-NL, KA0717: KAS-80-A13-S-K-NL, KA0720: KAS-80-A14-S-K-NL, KA0721: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/MS-Y3-NL, KA0725: KAS-80-A23-A-PTFE/MS-NL, KA0726: KAS-80-35-S-M32-NL, KA0728: KAS-80-A-K-POM-TM-Y5, KA0729: KAS-80-A-K-POM-TM, KA0732: KAS-80-30-A-M32-NL, KA0734: KAS-80-A24-A-K-Y3-3D-NL, KA0736: KAS-80-A11-S-Y7, KA0758: KAS-80-26-A-280-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0764: KAS-80-26-A-PEEK-1"-HG-Y5, KA0767: KAS-80-26-A-PEEK-1"-HG-Y5-StEx-N, KA0780: KAS-80-26-A-200-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0782: KAS-80-26-A-400-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0784: KAS-80-26-A-800-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0786: KAS-80-26-A-1200-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0839: KAS-80-14-A-M12/22-PTFE-MS-100°C-Y5-NL, KA0926: KAS-80-C30-F-80/120-A .
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:700735: KAS-80-A22-A, 800130: KAS-80-A21S-Y7, 800150: KAS-80-A12-A, 800200: KAS-80-A12-S, 800400: KAS-80-A12-IL, 800724: KAS-80-A12-A-Y5, 800735: KAS-80-A22-A, 800736: KAS-80-A22-A-Y5, 800745: KAS-80-A22-A-K-PTFE, 800750: KAS-80-A22-S, 800757: KAS-80-A22-A-K-PTFE-100°C, 800800: KAS-80-A13-A, 801000: KAS-80-A13-A-K, 801020: KAS-80-A13-A-K-PTFE, 801200: KAS-80-A13-S, 801600: KAS-80-A13-IL, 801981: KAS-80-A13-A-Y5, 802400: KAS-80-A13-S-K, 803200: KAS-80-A23-A, 803561: KAS-80-A23-A-K-PTFE, 803565: KAS-80-A23-A-K-PTFE-100°C, 803600: KAS-80-A23-S, 804091: KAS-80-A23-A-Y5, 805200: KAS-80-A14, 805400: KAS-80-A14-A-Y5, 805600: KAS-80-A14-A-K, 805620: KAS-80-A14-A-K-PTFE, 806000: KAS-80-A14-S, 806400: KAS-80-A14-IL, 806500: KAS-80-A14-IL-Y5, 807200: KAS-80-A14-S-K, 808000: KAS-80-A24-A, 808200: KAS-80-A24-A-Y5, 808400: KAS-80-A24-A-K, 808401: KAS-80-A24-A-K-PTFE, 808410: KAS-80-A24-A-K-PTFE-100°C, 808600: KAS-80-A24-A-K-Y5, 808800: KAS-80-A24-S, 809600: KAS-80-A24-S-K, 810751: KAS-80-14-A-M12-PTFE-100°C, 811600: KAS-80-20-A, 811800: KAS-80-20-S, 812200: KAS-80-20-IL, 812800: KAS-80-23-A, 812900: KAS-80-23-A-M22-PTFE, 812910: KAS-80-23-A-M22-PTFE-100°C, 813100: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1", 813400: KAS-80-23-A-M22, 813600: KAS-80-23-S-M22, 814200: KAS-80-30-A, 814400: KAS-80-30-A-Y5, 814600: KAS-80-30-S, 815000: KAS-80-30-IL, 815100: KAS-80-30-IL-Y5, 815800: KAS-80-30-A-M32, 815830: KAS-80-30-A-K-M32-PTFE, 815831: KAS-80-30-A-M32-PTFE-100°C, 816000: KAS-80-30-A-M32-Y5, 816200: KAS-80-30-S-M32, 816600: KAS-80-30-IL-M32, 816700: KAS-80-30-IL-M32-Y5, 817310: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/Ms-EST, 817320: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A-G, 818300: KAS-80-34-IL-M32-PTFE/Ms, 818540: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A, 818545: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A-100°C, 818555: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/V2A-Y5, 818600: KAS-80-34-S-M32-PTFE/V2A, 819000: KAS-80-35-A, 819010: KAS-80-35-A-PTFE, 819150: KAS-80-35-A-1"-PTFE, 819200: KAS-80-35-A-Y5, 819255: KAS-80-35-A-M32-PTFE-100°C, 819400: KAS-80-35-S, 820200: KAS-80-35-A-M32, 820300: KAS-80-35-A-M32-PTFE, 820400: KAS-80-35-A-M32-Y5, 820501: KAS-80-35-A-K-M32-EST-Y10, 820600: KAS-80-35-S-M32, 824500: KAS-80-37-A, 825300: KAS-80-38-A, 825400: KAS-80-38-S, 825510: KAS-80-50-A-Y5, 828100: KAS-80-61-A, 833740: KAS-80-M18/50-S-KL-125°C, 833750: KAS-80-M18/150-S-KL-125°C, 833755: KAS-80-M18/150-Ö-KL-125°C, 833760: KAS-80-M18/50-Ö-KL-125°C, KA0003: KAS-80-/30-S, KA0045: KAS-80-10-A, KA0049: KAS-80-A14-A-K-PTFE-100°C, KA0084: KAS-80-A24-A-StEx-N, KA0086: KAS-80-35-A-M32-StEx-N, KA0087: KAS-80-35-S-M32-StEx-N, KA0092: KAS-80-34-A-G1"-StEx-N, KA0093: KAS-80-35-A-K-M32-PTFE-StEx-N, KA0142: KAS-80-A12-A-K-PTFE, KA0264: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-StEx-N, KA0266: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1", KA0272: KAS-80-20-A-M22, KA0277: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-100°C, KA0309: KAS-80-A24-A-Si, KA0315: KAS-80-26/F30-A-PTFE-100°C-Y5, KA0324: KAS-80-A23-S-K-NL, KA0326: KAS-80-A24-S-K-NL, KA0333: KAS-80-A24-A-K-Y3-NL, KA0334: KAS-80-A24-S-NL, KA0336: KAS-80-A24-A-Y3-NL, KA0377: KAS-80-34-35/100-A-PTFE-VA-StEx-N, KA0388: Leak-500-P-S-PTFE, KA0412: KAS-80-A24-A-PTFE/MS-NL, KA0413: KAS-80-A24-A-PTFE/MS-Y3-NL, KA0415: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-Tri-100°C, KA0417: KAS-80-35-A-M32-Y3-NL, KA0421: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-Tri-StEx-N, KA0423: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1", KA0431: KAS-80-26-A-M22-M30-PTFE, KA0440: KAS-80-35-A-M32-NL, KA0444: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1"-StEX-N, KA0445: KAS-80-A23-A-K-Y3-NL, KA0450: KAS-80-26/22-A-PTFE-100°C-Y5, KA0467: KAS-80-A24-A-Y3-NL-3D, KA0549: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-PFS1-Y5, KA0554: KAS-80-A14-A-K-NL, KA0566: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-PFS2, KA0574: KAS-80-A14-A-K-Y3-NL, KA0607: KAS-80-A13-A-K-Y3-NL, KA0620: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-PFS1, KA0621: KAS-80-A24/50-A-Y5, KA0622: KAS-80-A24/50-A-K-PTFE-Y5, KA0626: KAS-80-26/F30-A-PTFE-100°C-Y5, KA0636: KAS-80-26/F30-A-PTFE-StEx-N, KA0642: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-Y5, KA0643: KAS-80-26-A-42/34-PEEK-HG-Y5, KA0644: KAS-80-A24/50-A, KA0645: KAS-80-34/50-A-M32-PTFE/MS-Y5, KA0646: KAS-80-35/50-A-K-M32-PTFE-Y5, KA0647: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-CIP160, KA0653: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1", KA0655: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-Y5-StEx-N, KA0656: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-Tri/Tri-100°C-Y5, KA0658: KAS-80-G1/4"-S-K-POM-Y7, KA0659: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-Y5-3D, KA0660: KAS-80-A14-A-Y5-NL, KA0662: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-Tri-100°C-Y5, KA0663: KAS-80-A14-S-NL, KA0665: KAS-80-A14-A-NL, KA0666: KAS-80-A13-S-NL, KA0667: KAS-80-A13-A-Y5-NL, KA0668: KAS-80-A13-A-NL, KA0669: KAS-80-A12-S-NL, KA0670: KAS-80-A12-A-Y5-NL, KA0671: KAS-80-A12-A-NL, KA0678: KAS-80-26-A-445-PTFE-1", KA0680: KAS-80-A13-A-K-NL, KA0682: KAS-80-26-A-300-PTFE-1"-Y5, KA0686: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1"-Y5, KA0687: KAS-80-26-A-200-PTFE-1"-100°C-Y5, KA0688: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-100°C-Y, KA0689: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-M30-Y5, KA0694: KAS-80-26/22-A-PTFE-100°C-Y5, KA0699: KAS-80-26-A-PTFE-1"-CIP160-Y5, KA0708: KAS-80-A12-A-K-NL, KA0709: KAS-80-A12-S-K-NL, KA0713: KAS-80-A22-A-NL, KA0714: KAS-80-A22-S-NL, KA0716: KAS-80-A22-A-Y5-NL, KA0717: KAS-80-A13-S-K-NL, KA0720: KAS-80-A14-S-K-NL, KA0721: KAS-80-34-A-M32-PTFE/MS-Y3-NL, KA0725: KAS-80-A23-A-PTFE/MS-NL, KA0726: KAS-80-35-S-M32-NL, KA0728: KAS-80-A-K-POM-TM-Y5, KA0729: KAS-80-A-K-POM-TM, KA0732: KAS-80-30-A-M32-NL, KA0734: KAS-80-A24-A-K-Y3-3D-NL, KA0736: KAS-80-A11-S-Y7, KA0758: KAS-80-26-A-280-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0764: KAS-80-26-A-PEEK-1"-HG-Y5, KA0767: KAS-80-26-A-PEEK-1"-HG-Y5-StEx-N, KA0780: KAS-80-26-A-200-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0782: KAS-80-26-A-400-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0784: KAS-80-26-A-800-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0786: KAS-80-26-A-1200-PP-11/2"-PH-ET, KA0839: KAS-80-14-A-M12/22-PTFE-MS-100°C-Y5-NL, KA0926: KAS-80-C30-F-80/120-A .
10. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KAS-90 (Capacitive AC/DC)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u
RECHNER Sensors Part No.: KA0700: KAS-95-35-1CO-K-POM, KA0743: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-POM, KA0744: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-POM-TD, KA0745: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-POM-OND, KA0746: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-POM-OFD, KA0747: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-POM, KA0748: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-POM-TD, KA0749: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-POM-OND, KA0750: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-POM-OFD, KA0760: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-POM, KA0761: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-POM-TD, KA0762: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-POM-OND, KA0763: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-POM-OFD, KA0800: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-PBT, KA0822: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-PBT-TD, KA0842: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-PBT-TD, KA0852: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-PBT-OND, KA0853: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-PBT-OFD, KA0854: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-PBT, KA0855: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-PBT-OND, KA0856: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-PBT-OFD, KA0857: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-PBT, KA0858: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-PBT-TD, KA0859: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-PBT-OND, KA0860: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-PBT-OFD .
11. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KAS-95 (Capacitive AC/DC With Relay Output)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:KA0700: KAS-95-35-1CO-K-POM, KA0743: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-POM, KA0744: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-POM-TD, KA0745: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-POM-OND, KA0746: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-POM-OFD, KA0747: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-POM, KA0748: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-POM-TD, KA0749: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-POM-OND, KA0750: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-POM-OFD, KA0760: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-POM, KA0761: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-POM-TD, KA0762: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-POM-OND, KA0763: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-POM-OFD, KA0800: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-PBT, KA0822: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-PBT-TD, KA0842: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-PBT-TD, KA0852: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-PBT-OND, KA0853: KAS-95-A24-1CO-K-PBT-OFD, KA0854: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-PBT, KA0855: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-PBT-OND, KA0856: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-M32-PBT-OFD, KA0857: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-PBT, KA0858: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-PBT-TD, KA0859: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-PBT-OND, KA0860: KAS-95-32-1CO-K-PBT-OFD .
12. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KAS-1000 (Capacitive Duo)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:930100: KAS-1000-30, 930200: KAS-1000-30-M32, 930300: KAS-1000-32, 930400: KAS-1000-32-M32, 930600: KAS-1000-34-M32-PTFE/V2A, 945000: KAS-1000-A14-K, 945100: KAS-1000-A24-K .
13. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KAS-2000 (Capacitive Quattro)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:770100: KAS-2000-A14, 770200: KAS-2000-A24, 770250: KAS-2000-A24-K, 770500: KAS-2000-30, 770600: KAS-2000-30-M32, 770603: KAS-2000-30-M32-Y3, 770700: KAS-2000-35, 770800: KAS-2000-35-M32, 770802: KAS-2000-35-M32-Y3, 771000: KAS-2000-34-M32-PTFE/V2A, 771100: KAS-2000-34-M32-PTFE/V2A-160°C , 771200: KAS-2000-35-M32-PTFE-160°C .
14. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KSA-250 (High temperature capacitve)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u ...\
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:560100: KSA-250 für 2m, 560101: KSA-250 für 2m, 560102: KSA-250 für 5m, 560106: KSA-250 für 5m, 560700: KSA-70-250-S-BB für 2m, 560720: KSA-70-250-S-BB für 5m, 560900: KSA-70-250-Ö-BB für 2m, 560920: KSA-70-250-Ö-BB für 5m, 561100: KSA-80-250-S-BB für 2m, 561120: KSA-80-250-S-BB für 5m, 561300: KSA-80-250-Ö-BB für 2m, 561320: KSA-80-250-Ö-BB für 5m, 563100: KSA-70-14-M18/30-S-BB, 563300: KSA-70-14-M18/30-Ö-BB, 563500: KSA-80-14-M18/30-S-BB, 563700: KSA-80-14-M18/30-Ö-BB .
15. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KS-250 (High temperature capacitve)
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u...
RECHNER Capacitive sensors (KAS) react to metals and non-metals that exceed a specific capacitance on approaching the active surface. The sensing distance with respect to a specific material is greater the higher the dielectric constant. The sensors are u...
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:561600: KS-250-M18/30, 561650: KS-250-M18/45, 562100: KS-250-M22, 562150: KS-250-M22, 5m, 562500: KS-250-M32, 562510: KS-250-M32, 5m, 562700: KS-250-M32-Y, 562710: KS-250-M32-Y, 5m.
16. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KXS- (Capacitive Sensors with extreme long sensing distance)
RECHNER Sensors with extreme long sensing distance (KXS/KXA) are based on the three-electrode measuring-principle. This measuring principle allows much larger sensing distances compared to the two electrode principle of common capacitive sensors (KAS), up..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:498000: KXS-M5/20, 498001: KXS-M8/25, 498002: KXS-M12/25, 498003: KXS-M18/70, 498004: KXS-M30/70, 498005: KXS-M32/70, 498007: KXS-28/82-800°C, KX0051: KXS-M30/70-K, KX0052: KXS-M32/70-K, KX0053: KXS-M18/70-K, KX0054: KXS-M12/50-K .
17. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KXA- (Capacitive Sensors with extreme long sensing distance)
RECHNER Sensors with extreme long sensing distance (KXS/KXA) are based on the three-electrode measuring-principle. This measuring principle allows much larger sensing distances compared to the two electrode principle of common capacitive sensors (KAS), up ..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.: 498500: KXA-5-1-P-A, 498501: KXA-5-1-N-A, 498503: KXA-5-1-P-A-MINI, 498505: KXA-5-1-N-A-MINI, 498506: KXA-5-M-3-P-A, 498508: KXA-5-1/3-N-A, 498509: KXA-5-1/3-N-A-MINI, 498510: KXA-5-1/3-P-A, 498511: KXA-5-1/3-P-A-MINI, 498512: KXA-5-M-3-N-A, 498513: KXA-5-M-3-N-A-MINI, 498514: KXA-5-M-3-P-A-MINI, XA0020: KXA-5-4-P-S-4FB-Ö-CC, XA0022: KXA-5-4-P-A-CC, XA0024: KXA-5-4-P-S-4FB-Ö-CC-MINI, XA0026: KXA-5-4-P-A-CC-MINI, XA0029: KXA-5-4-N-A-CC-MINI, XA0030: KXA-5-4-N-A-CC, XA0033: KXA-5-4-N-S-4FB-Ö-CC-MINI XA0034: KXA-5-4-N-S-4FB-Ö-CC.
18. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KFS-1 (Systems With Analogue Signal)
18. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KFS-1 (Systems With Analogue Signal)
The Capacitive Level Measurement Systems (KFS/KFA/KFX) operate according to the three-electrode principle. With this principle the container or an additional electrode serve as a counter-electrode to the probe electrodes. For this reason it is necessary w ..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:- KFS014: KFS-1-L-M-Y75 , KFS015: KFS-1-L-M-VA-1" .
19. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KFS-5 (Systems With Limit Value Switching Point)
RECHNER Capacitive Sensors Level Measurement Systems (KFS/KFA/KFX) operate according to the three-electrode principle. With this principle the container or an additional electrode serve as a counter-electrode to the probe electrodes. For this reason it is ..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:-KFS020: KFS-5-1-L-15-Y55 KFS022: KFS-5-1-L-15-Y76 KFS023: KFS-5-2-L-15/X2-Y76 KFS024: KFS-5-3-L-15/X2/X3-Y76 KFS025: KFS-5-1-L-15-AL-1" KFS026: KFS-5-2-L-15/X2-AL-1" KFS027: KFS-5-2-L-15/X2/X3-AL-1" KFS028: KFS-5-1-L-15-VA-1" KFS029: KFS-5-1-L-15/X2-VA-1" KFS030: KFS-5-1-L-15/X2/X3-VA-1"
20. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KFA-1 (Systems With Analogue Signal)
RECHNER Capacitive Sensors Level Measurement Systems (KFS/KFA/KFX) operate according to the three-electrode principle. With this principle the container or an additional electrode serve as a counter-electrode to the probe electrodes. For this reason it is..
20. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KFA-1 (Systems With Analogue Signal)
RECHNER Capacitive Sensors Level Measurement Systems (KFS/KFA/KFX) operate according to the three-electrode principle. With this principle the container or an additional electrode serve as a counter-electrode to the probe electrodes. For this reason it is..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:-AF0010: KFA-1-200-FL-KL-Y70, AF0011: KFA-1-500-FL-KL-Y70, AF0012: KFA-1-1000-FL-KL-Y70, AF0013: KFA-1-2000-FL-KL-Y70, AF0014: KFA-1-200-IL4-KL-Y70, AF0015: KFA-1-500-IL4-KL-Y70, AF0016: KFA-1-1000-IL4-KL-Y70, AF0017: KFA-1-2000-IL4-KL-Y70, AF0018: KFA-1-200-UL-KL-Y70, AF0019: KFA-1-500-UL-KL-Y70, AF0020: KFA-1-1000-UL-KL-Y70, AF0021: KFA-1-2000-UL-KL-Y70 .
21. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KFA-5 (Systems With Limit Value Switching Point)
RECHNER Capacitive Sensors Level Measurement Systems (KFS/KFA/KFX) operate according to the three-electrode principle. With this principle the container or an additional electrode serve as a counter-electrode to the probe electrodes. For this reason it is
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:- 977110: KFA-5-3-M-P-A, 9771101: KFA-5-3-S-P-A, 977160: KFA-5-3-M-N-A, 9771601: KFA-5-3-S-N-A, 977210: KFA-5-3-M-III, 9772101: KFA-5-3-S-III, AF0004: KFA-5-1-P-A-Y50, AF0005: KFA-5-1-N-A-Y50, AF0044: KFA-5-4-M-P-A-KL-Y70, AF0045: KFA-5-4-S-P-A-KL-Y70, AF0062: KFA-5-2-L-P-Ö-Y50, AF0064: KFA-5-1-L-P-A-Y50, AF0065: KFA-5-2-L-P-S-Y50, AF0066: KFA-5-2-L-N-S-Y50, AF0067: KFA-5-2-L-N-Ö-Y50, AF0068: KFA-5-1-L-N-A-Y50
22. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KFX- (Systems With Limit Value Switching Point)
RECHNER Capacitive Sensors Level Measurement Systems (KFS/KFA/KFX) operate according to the three-electrode principle. With this principle the container or an additional electrode serve as a counter-electrode to the probe electrodes. For this reason it is
22. RECHNER Sensors Distributors KFX- (Systems With Limit Value Switching Point)
RECHNER Capacitive Sensors Level Measurement Systems (KFS/KFA/KFX) operate according to the three-electrode principle. With this principle the container or an additional electrode serve as a counter-electrode to the probe electrodes. For this reason it is
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:- KFX036: KFX-5-1-L-15-N-A-AL-1", KFX0361: KFX-5-1-L-15-P-A-AL-1", KFX037: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-N-S-AL-1", KFX0371: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-P-S-AL-1", KFX038: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-N-Ö-AL-1", KFX0381: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-P-Ö-AL-1", KFX039: KFX-5-1-L-15-N-A-VA-1", KFX0391: KFX-5-1-L-15-P-A-VA-1", KFX040: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-N-S-VA-1", KFX0401: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-P-S-VA-1", KFX041: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-N-Ö-VA-1", KFX0411: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-P-Ö-VA-1", KFX042: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-N-A-MM-VA-1", KFX0421: KFX-5-2-L-15/X2-P-A-MM-VA-1", KFX043: KFX-5-1-L-15-N-A-TP100-VA-1", KFX0431: KFX-5-1-L-15-P-A-TP100-VA-1", KFX044: KFX-5-1-L-15/X2-N-S-TP100-VA-1", KFX0441: KFX-5-1-L-15/X2-P-S-TP100-VA-1", KFX045: KFX-5-1-L-15/X2-N-Ö-TP100-VA-1", KFX0451: KFX-5-1-L-15/X2-P-Ö-TP100-VA-1", KFX046: KFX-4-1-L-V10/xa-N-A-VA-1", KFX0461: KFX-4-1-L-V10/xa-P-A-VA-1", KFX047: KFX-4-2-L-V10/xa-Vxb/xc-N-S-VA-1", KFX0471: KFX-4-2-L-V10/xa-Vxb/xc-P-S-VA-1", KFX048: KFX-4-2-L-V10/xa-Vxb/xc-N-Ö-VA-1", KFX0481: KFX-4-2-L-V10/xa-Vxb/xc-P-Ö-VA-1" .
23. RECHNER Sensors Distributors MRS-300 (Magnetic Resistance)
RECHNER Magnetic Resistance sensors (MRS) detect the movement of ferromagnetic materials, by means of the change of the magnetic flow. They are available with (Series 350) or without (series 300) detection of direction of rotation. They are suitable for r
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:- 360100: MRS-300-M12-10-S, 360150: MRS-300-M12-10-S-K, 360300: MRS-300-M12-20-S, 360350: MRS-300-M12-20-S-K, 360500: MRS-300-M18-10-S, 360700: MRS-300-M18-20-S, 362100: MRS-300-M12-N-K, MR0015: MRS-300-M18-20-S-Y5, MR0016: MRS-300-M18-10-S-Y5 .
23. RECHNER Sensors Distributors MRS-300 (Magnetic Resistance)
RECHNER Magnetic Resistance sensors (MRS) detect the movement of ferromagnetic materials, by means of the change of the magnetic flow. They are available with (Series 350) or without (series 300) detection of direction of rotation. They are suitable for r
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:- 360100: MRS-300-M12-10-S, 360150: MRS-300-M12-10-S-K, 360300: MRS-300-M12-20-S, 360350: MRS-300-M12-20-S-K, 360500: MRS-300-M18-10-S, 360700: MRS-300-M18-20-S, 362100: MRS-300-M12-N-K, MR0015: MRS-300-M18-20-S-Y5, MR0016: MRS-300-M18-10-S-Y5 .
24. RECHNER Sensors Distributors MRS-350 (Magnetic Resistance)
RECHNER Magnetic Resistance sensors (MRS) detect the movement of ferromagnetic materials, by means of the change of the magnetic flow. They are available with (Series 350) or without (series 300) detection of direction of rotation. They are suitable for r..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:- 360900: MRS-350-M12-10-S, 360950: MRS-350-M12-10-Z, 361100: MRS-350-M12-20-S, 361300: MRS-350-M18-10-S, 361430: MRS-350-M18-10-Z, 361500: MRS-350-M18-20-S .
25. RECHNER Sensors Distributors SW-600 (Flow Sensors)
RECHNER Flow Sensors SW-600 series is a range of flow sensors based on the calorimetric measuring principle. This principle is based on the physical effect that flowing medium absorbs heat energy. The cooling of the sensor tip by the flowing medium is reg.
25. RECHNER Sensors Distributors SW-600 (Flow Sensors)
RECHNER Flow Sensors SW-600 series is a range of flow sensors based on the calorimetric measuring principle. This principle is based on the physical effect that flowing medium absorbs heat energy. The cooling of the sensor tip by the flowing medium is reg.
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:- 544100: SW-600-M12/28-IL, 544120: SW-600-G1/4"/28-IL, 544121: SW-600-G1/4"/28-IL PTFE Spitze, 544130: SW-600-G1/4"/28-IL-02, 544140: SW-600-G1/2"/28-IL, 544150: SW-600-G1/2"/28-IL-02, 544200: SW-600-M12/28-S, 544220: SW-600-G1/4"/28-S, 544221: SW-600-G1/4"/28-S PTFE Spitze, 544240: SW-600-G1/2"/28-S, 544250: SW-600-TRI-56-IL, SW0004: SW-600-G1/4"/28-S-02, SW0005: SW-600-G1/2"/28-S-02 .
26 . RECHNER Sensors Distributors IS-120 (Optoelectronic Sensors)
RECHNER Photoelectric Sensors IS-120 series comprises optoelectronic sensors for use as light sensors (energetic or with background suppression) or as reflection light barriers. Light transmitter and receiver are both mounted in the same housing. The emit..
26 . RECHNER Sensors Distributors IS-120 (Optoelectronic Sensors)
RECHNER Photoelectric Sensors IS-120 series comprises optoelectronic sensors for use as light sensors (energetic or with background suppression) or as reflection light barriers. Light transmitter and receiver are both mounted in the same housing. The emit..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:-555001: IS-120-M5-10-S-Y7, 556101: IS-120-M12-10-S-Y5, 557101: IS-120-M18-10-S-Y5, 557102: IS-120-M18H-10-S-Y5, 559422: IS-120-C30H-10-S-Y7, 559423: IS-120-C30-10-A-Y7, 559443: IS-120-C30-20-A-Y7.
27. RECHNER Sensors Distributors N-Series (Isolating Switching Power Amplifiers)
RECHNER Pwoer Supplies - EG...-130-... series control units contain a DC-side short-circuit protected power pack, voltage stabiliser and output relay. These control units can be actuated by all 2, 3 and 4-wire sensors with PNP, NPN, NO, NC or antivalent f..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:- 500150: TS-120-NPN-A, 500350: TS-120-PNP-A, 513780: N-130/4-20-IL, N00001: N-131/2-01, N00002: N-131/2-02, N00003: N-131/2-10, N00004: N-131/2-E-10, N00005: N-131/1-01, N00006: N-131/1-02, N00007: N-131/1-10 .
28. RECHNER Sensors Distributors EG-Series (Power Supplies)
RECHNER Pwoer Supplies - EG...-130-... series control units contain a DC-side short-circuit protected power pack, voltage stabiliser and output relay. These control units can be actuated by all 2, 3 and 4-wire sensors with PNP, NPN, NO, NC or antivalent f..
RECHNER Sensors Part No.:- 522000: EGI-130, 522100: EGI-130-TD, 522200: EGI-130-MM, 522300: EGII-130.